Welcome to my monthly summary of international, national and local “stories of need”, “everyday epics” and “food for thought” referenced online by news sites, blogs, press releases and editorials… “Stories
“‘No, it’s ‘M-A-R-R-T-O-N’: Reflections on a name” OR “Thanks, a lot, Mom”
I used to hate my first name, because it made me stand out in school. I envied classmates with names like “Mike” or “Chris” or “Dave,” because they were recognizable
Looking Back, Vol VI, Issue 3
Welcome to my monthly summary of international, national and local “stories of need”, “everyday epics” and “food for thought” referenced online by news sites, blogs, press releases and editorials… “Stories
Ashes & Dust / Vol. VI, Issue 5
Yesterday, I attended “Redskin, Tanned Hide,” a public conference and conversation at Iliff Seminary in Denver. The panelist-led conference considered the grotesque presence at Iliff for many years of a