Yesterday, I attended “Redskin, Tanned Hide,” a public conference and conversation at Iliff Seminary in Denver. The panelist-led conference considered the grotesque presence at Iliff for many years of a book whose cover was made from the skin of a murdered indigenous man, possibly of the Lenape/Delaware nation. It’s a long story, well worth detailing in another forum, but I’ll sum up my experience at the conference by saying it was encouraging, challenging and shattering, all at once. I’m sure it will inform my personal research and prayerful reflections for some time to come.
In any case, welcome to my March review of tweets, movies, documentaries and books of note:

Trailers & Videos
Quest — This documentary captures 10 years in the life of the Raineys, a family living in North Philadelphia.
Saint Judy — Based on the true story of immigration attorney Judy Wood, who help change U.S. asylum law and “saved countless lives in the process.”
Beating Guns — Authors Shane Claiborne and Michael Martin are still on their initial book tour which aims to provide hope for “people weary of violence.” I’m grateful I got to attend their event and donate two guns to be chopped up and converted into garden tools in Ft. Collins last weekend! I wrote a review of the book early this month.
Wife of Moon by Margaret Coel — Just finished Book #10 in the Wind River Reservation mystery series, featuring the Arapaho lawyer Vicky Holden and Jesuit priest Fr. John O’Malley.
American Indian Liberation: A Theology of Sovereignty by George E. “Tink” Tinker — Dr. Tinker chaired the panel at yesterday’s “Redskin, Tanned Hide” conference, and his work should, in my opinion, be required reading.
On My List
The Confidence Man by Herman Melville — I’m familiar with Melville’s classic Moby Dick, and think I read the Cliff’s Notes version back in high school, but have never read Melville’s final and perhaps most significant novel.