Perhaps the most common experience most Americans have with people in need occurs at stoplights and busy intersections. It’s an experience often accompanied by guilt or uncertainty. “Should I give them cash? Should I ignore them?” we ask. After all, we don’t want to contribute to someone’s possible addiction to alcohol or drugs. Often we don’t do anything out of fear or insecurity.
Our “homeless care kits” help solve that dilemma. Cash might not be the best thing we could give someone asking for help on the side of the road, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything to help. Follow this link to read more about our homeless care kits.
love this idea, and i think it would make a great “church” project, where we could pool our resources! i love the idea of the awkward “don’t make eye contact” being turned to a great moment to make a friend/connection.
i also thought maybe a few categories also, like just a 3 dollar pack, 5 and 7 according to your resources
love it, you da man!
Great idea. Would suggest a comb–can be used by entire family. Safety pins, rubber bands for hair and repairs. Meal coupons.
Thanks, milski! Those would be great additions to the kits. 🙂