Lots of interesting resources and recommendations to share this month, so I’ll get right to it: Project Implicit Social Attitudes — Take this Harvard-based research test to examine your attitudes
Need in the News / Vol. V, Issue 4
For the last eight years, at the end of every month, I’ve summarized local, national and international “stories of need” from local, national and international news sites, blogs, press releases and
Shadows & Dust / Vol. V, Issue 6
Happy April, everyone! It’s finally springtime here on the Front Range, and my allergies are really bothering me and half my family. But, still, yeah for good weather! Before I
The Cutting of the Tsiiyéél
Yesterday afternoon at the Refuge, we welcomed Susie Silversmith, a Navajo elder from the Denver Christian Indian Center, who shared about her experience as a young girl in an U.S./Bureau