I’m not sure about you, but for me, everyday life in the summer happens quickly for my wife, my four teenagers and me. If the school year is a moving
Looking Back / Vol. VI, Issue 7
July 2019 Welcome to my month-end, heart-and-mind-shaping recommendations and summaries of noteworthy local and global news! “Recommended” Viewing, Listening & Reading “The Problem with the Solution,” a 2016 Invisibilia podcast on a Belgian town’s creative and compassionate
Looking Back / Vol. VI, Issue 6
June 2019 Welcome to my month-end, heart-and-mind-shaping recommendations and summaries of noteworthy local and global news! “Recommended” Viewing, Listening & Reading The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate—Discoveries from
In memory of a neighbor
Earlier this month, I learned a pedestrian named James had been hit and killed by a vehicle here in Broomfield. As soon as I heard the news, I checked my