Over the weekend, three of my kids and I drove downtown to Denver’s City and County Building to join the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless’s 30th Annual Homeless Persons’ Memorial
Looking Back / Vol. VI, Issue 11
November 2019 Welcome to my month-end reading, listening and viewing recommendations, and my quick summaries of noteworthy local and global news! “Recommended” Viewing, Listening & Reading Watch — We Are Still Here, a
A life of its own: A Fort Chambers “remembrance”?
It’s strange how life works sometimes. A simple, off-hand conversation I had last summer with my friend Tim has now become a “thing.” The conversation itself had to do with
Disruption & embrace
I don’t preach often, but here’s the audio from my sermon last Sunday at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Broomfield. It was good to see long-time friends and colleagues!