Retired pastors Karen and Rene Calderon moved from Grand Junction, Colo., to a mobile home park in Broomfield, Colo., in September 2000 to be close to their four kids and
Category: Profiles
Stories of ordinary people, families, faith communities and even towns that have done or are doing extraordinary things.
Stories from Mizzou
Video by OliverDr4242. The latest issue of my alumni magazine reported several “stories of need” worth passing along: Filling the pantry—This fall marks the opening of a campus food pantry for low-income
Uninsured Underside
Although the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act constitutional late last month, the fate of the act still depends in large part on the outcome of
Bonhoeffer on…
I was a freshman in college when I became acquainted with the work of the late German Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I read and liked his well-known book The Cost