It began during Spring Break 2007. Jim and Molly Conahan and their three teenagers – Megan, Matt and Brian – had taken advantage of non-stop airline tickets to fly to
Category: Profiles
Stories of ordinary people, families, faith communities and even towns that have done or are doing extraordinary things.
Homeless in Paradise
The name and certain identifying details of this profile’s main character have been changed. During the winter, Tim lives in Boulder, Colo., in the shadow of the Flatirons, whose rippled
The ‘Next Right Thing’ in Niger
Joe and Mame Starke met in college. Joe was in his second year of medical school at Oral Roberts University and Mame was on the way to earning her master’s
Ugandan “Sunshine”
Leah Pauline went to Uganda in the summer of 2008 planning to teach kids for three months and return home to continue her studies in Spanish and psychology at the