- An overview of “stories of need” with links to news articles, editorials, press releases and blog posts from around the area, the nation and the world:
- MIDDLE EAST: Sometimes violent protests swept the region amid controversy stirred by a poorly made film denigrating the Prophet Mohammed. The man behind the film was recently ordered jailed in Los Angeles because he was judged a flight risk after violating his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction.
- INDIA: A panel of ministers recently recommended price regulation for 348 generic drugs judged “essential.” The recommendations come while a major case relating to the question of generic drug patents is pending before the Indian Supreme Court.
- FRANCE: The latest French budget includes a “supertax” of 75 percent on some upper-earning members of society.
- SPAIN: A stress test on Spanish banks revealed a €59 billion “black hole” in their capital cushions. Austerity measures undertaken by the Spanish government have led to an increase in homeowner evictions.
- UNITED STATES: Skyrocketing student debt and a poor economy have led to a record rate of defaults on college student loans. In a related story, more than two-thirds of Americans reportedly live paycheck to paycheck.
Fighting the Good Fight
- MALAGA (Spain): With unemployment in Spain at 25 percent, a man dubbed the “Spanish Robin Hood” has been leading marches in support of workers and in opposition to austerity measures.
- CALGARY (Canada): Nate Phelps, son of the notorious Kansas pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church, wants to undue his father’s legacy.
- CHARLOTTE (North Carolina): More than 1,600 church members recently volunteered to mentor troubled youth.
- AFRICA: Africa Review profiled 20 of the continent’s most promising social entrepreneurs.
- MEXICO: New branchless banks are helping the poor.
Major Troublespots
- SYRIA: The U.S. pledged $45 million to the Syrian opposition, while fighting in Syrian cities between government and opposition forces continued. At the same time, lack of access hindered humanitarian aid to the Syrian people.
- SOMALIA: Kenyan troops attacked an militant stronghold in Somalia.
- UNITED STATES: During a recent speech, Pres. Barack Obama declared human trafficking or “modern-day slavery” a problem within the United States. Experts have since weighed in on the challenges to end trafficking.
Reflections & Reviews
- J.K ROWLING: The author of the Harry Potter books recently reflected on how she went from being a poor single mom to the creator of a worldwide phenomenon.
- THE DEATH OF A “TRANSIENT”: Most deaths of people who are homeless or transient go unnoticed and unmourned. In Ft. Collins, Colo., a 48-year-old man named Jack Frost died when he was hit by a train. Apparently, he had passed out on the tracks. Frost’s death has been ruled a suicide.
- CAN SREBRENICA MOVE ON?: The upcoming mayoral election in Serb-controlled Srebrenica, Bosnia, the site of a 1995 massacre of 8,000 Bosnian Muslims, is accentuating an old divide.
- THE SWEEP REPORT: This 2011-2012 report on the latest indicators, trends and needs in Broomfield County, Colorado, was mentioned again in the Broomfield Enterprise.
- The Line: On Oct. 2, this 30-minute documentary about poverty in America will be screening in more than 2,000 locations, including in Broomfield.
Published in August on EverydayEpics.com
- Training in Thailand — Denver-area physician Annie Dominguez tells the story of her recent medical mission trip to Thailand to help train medics who serve Burmese refugees.
- Screening “The Line” — Details an upcoming screening of the aforementioned documentary “The Line.”
- Ghawi’s Dream Drive — A recent sports equipment drive in honor of Jessica Redfield Ghawi, a victim of the Aurora theatre shooting, collected more than 25,000 sports items and raised $30,000 for a journalism scholarship in Ghawi’s name.
- Fall Pantry Highs & Lows — Broomfield, Colo., area food pantries experienced a significant seasonal shortage of food items early this month. In nearby Lafayette, a massive food drive by a local church stocked the shelves of the town’s main pantry through the end of the year.
- Guest Commentary: “In her shoes” — iEmpathize intern Mary Wade shared her thoughts from a recent trip to Mexico.
- Another world, next door — Some thoughts on a recent trip to a rundown apartment complex.
Coming Up
- Commentary: Reflections on “The Sweep Gospel.”
- Stories: An interview with a Greeley, Colo., pastor who works with neighbors who are immigrants.
Share your thoughts about this month’s review of “need in the news” or offer additional links below.