A timely word from “Christ the King Sunday”

My friend Chris Bollegar shepherds Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Broomfield, Colo. In my opinion, he is one of the best preachers preaching anywhere. Despite my major ongoing allergies to traditional sermoning, Chris has become my favorite preacher, and because I believe he truly has the spiritual gift of teaching, I commend his work to you!

Chris excels at the whole package — preparation, delivery, content and intangibles.

  • Preparation — Chris is a true theologian, thinker and scholar, and it shows in the time and care he invests in his sermons.
  • Delivery — He’s she’s well spoken, passionate, winsome and thought-provoking all in one.
  • Content — His way of reading, interpreting and applying the Scriptures, Church tradition and current events is truly life-affirming and unique.
  • Intangibles — There are homilies and then there are homilies. Chris never mails it in. He doesn’t “pull punches.” Through each sermon he expends his intellectual and emotional energy on behalf of his congregation. He shares his own struggles with the text, with his own discipleship as a follower of Christ and with life in general.

I recommend Chris’s messages to anyone who wants to hear a new, compassionate and deeply challenging Christian voice. And I especially recommend his latest sermon, given yesterday on Christ the King Sunday:


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