Last month, I phoned in for a Broomfield-civic-leader-initiated, community-wide “town hall” about the death of George Floyd, nationwide protests and local police policy. Here are a few of my (belated)
Tag: Racism
My prayer for Pentecost
During this season of suffering, may we be quick to listen and slow to speak. May we prioritize the lives and well-being of our neighbors over concerns for vandalism, property damage
Looking Back, Vol. VII, Issue 3
MAY 2020 Welcome to my month-end reading, listening and viewing recommendations, plus links to noteworthy news and “everyday epics”… “RECOMMENDED” Viewing, Listening & Reading Watch — I don’t often recommend “faith-based” films, but
A peaceful prayer for holy unrest
This Sunday is the feast of Pentecost, 50 days after Easter, which marks the beginning of the season in which many Christians remember and live into the reality of the descent of the