Last Wednesday, my friend Karl and I drove together to a “homeless awareness” event sponsored by the Longmont Housing Opportunity Team (LHOT). We missed part of the evening session because
Tag: Homelessness
Bleeding Places Below
In the shadow of corporate-owned skyscrapers, a stone’s throw from the bustling 16th Street Mall and the thriving riverfront residential district of “Lodo” adjacent to downtown Denver, Colo., live young street people
The Daily Bread Man
Bryan Decker maintains a 24-foot loading truck, cultivates contacts with local grocery stores and eateries, and manages a pool of 200 workers who distribute more than 1 million pounds of
Homeless in Paradise
The name and certain identifying details of this profile’s main character have been changed. During the winter, Tim lives in Boulder, Colo., in the shadow of the Flatirons, whose rippled