Well the Cubs won the World Series, and it turned out the apocalypse has not, as far as I know, occurred. I’m not personally a Cubs fan, but as a lifelong
Need in the News, Vol. V, Issue 10
At the end of every month, I summarize local, national and international “stories of need” from news sites, blogs, press releases and editorials. The following are some of October’s most
Shadows & Dust, Vol. IV, Issue 12
Fall is here, daylight savings arrives this weekend, and the “Fall Classic” (aka the World Series) is actually worth watching this year. It’s 3-2 Cleveland, but I’m hoping the Cubs win it all,
Need in the News, Vol. V, Issue 9
At the end of every month, I summarize local, national and international “stories of need” from news sites, blogs, press releases and editorials. The following are some of September’s most