For the last seven years or so, at the end of every month, I’ve summarized local, national and international “stories of need” from local, national and international news sites, blogs, press
Shadows & Dust / Vol. V, Issue 5
By way of introducing my latest reading and viewing recommendations, I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite recent tweets. Among other things they’ve helped (re-)illuminate Holy Week
Scrapping By
Check out the trailer for “Scrapping By In America”, a documentary just entering post-production. Notice the title is “Scrapping” not “Scraping” — love it! “Scrapping By” is produced and directed
Shadows & Dust / Vol. V, Issue 4
It’s the season of Lent and our kitchen sink decided to implode. So there’s that. I guess you can only ignore leaky faucets and crumbling baseboards for so long. But