Bryan Decker maintains a 24-foot loading truck, cultivates contacts with local grocery stores and eateries, and manages a pool of 200 workers who distribute more than 1 million pounds of
Category: Profiles
Stories of ordinary people, families, faith communities and even towns that have done or are doing extraordinary things.
From the Cockpit to the Courtroom
After his second year of law school, Jose Escobar met his first client, Maria*, a single mother with two kids whose biological father had moved to California. Though Maria’s estranged
A Wink and a Prayer
A few months ago, Barb Murphy got what she calls a “wink from God.” She was hungry for a protein bar but instead of pulling into the first convenience store
MacGyver H2O
Created by Hope2Others International. Transport a typical American to a remote village in The Gambia in West Africa, and “lost” would probably be an accurate description of his emotional state. (“What?!