Resources about social justice

Note: The following thoughts are from our friend Nikki Vos, who is currently serving as the administrator of a local church.

Last weekend, I attended a Social Justice workshop at a local church in Lafayette, Colo. I thought I’d share with you some of the things I learned.

Social justice is based on the idea of a society which gives individuals and groups fair treatment and a just share of the benefits of society. During the workshop I was challenged on many levels to wrestle with questions on issues relating to orphans, education, modern-day slavery, the cycle of poverty and oppressive governments. I was challenged to consider what God’s position is on the issue of Social Justice and why we are all inherently wired to care about these issues — because we are made in God’s image and He created justice. Social Justice may be a fad for us, but it is not a fad for God, it has always been His heartbeat to demonstrate His glory through redemption.

I was reminded that it’s all too easy to stand by and do nothing or convince ourselves that we can’t make a difference, but then we were reminded that “BIG DOORS OPEN ON SMALL HINGES.” We can all start somewhere and give something of ourselves, whether it be time, money or inspiring others and taking one step forward.

Here are some resources and organizations to consider diving deeper into this topic:

Books: Generous Justice by Tim Keller, Everyday Justice by Julie Clawson, When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett, Brian Fikkert & John Perkins

Websites: Not for Sale, iEmpathize , Musana Children’s Home , Our Momentum, School of Social Justice

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