A creed for Broomfield

In the Shadow of the Front Range

I wrote this at the request of some colleagues who organized the 2025 Broomfield Ecumenical Prayer Service on Tuesday, Jan. 21, at the United Church of Broomfield.

We believe in one G-d,

the Creator of heaven and earth,

who out of love made all that is,

seen and unseen,

and who blesses us image-bearers

to be a blessing to the world around us.

We believe in one Lord,

Jesus Christ, the Son of G-d, our Savior,

who was born in a barn, raised a refugee, called ‘beloved’ by the river,

and had nowhere to lay his head;

who proclaimed good news, worked wonders, healed the sick

and welcomed all to his table;

who came to seek and save that which was lost

and to challenge the powers that be.

For our sake, he was crucified, died and was buried,

he rose again and ascended to the skies,

he will come again to judge the living and the dead,

and his rule and reign of light will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life,

who has spoken and who still speaks,

who is present and

who comforts and helps and empowers us to follow Jesus.

We believe in the faithful embodiment of the Jesus Way

through our humble and imperfect communities and

through other bodies of Christ-followers throughout the world.

We believe serving “the least of these,”

our fellow image-bearers,

though they may be forgotten, discarded, rejected, despised

or left for dead on the side of the road,

means we somehow serve Jesus himself.

We acknowledge our need

for eyes to see and ears to hear,

for the forgiveness of individual and collective sins, and

for resurrection from the dead,

that we may choose not to pass by, and

that we may imagine a land called ‘Welcome Home’.


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